Adult Classes
Martial Arts Classes For Physical Fitness
Traditional Korean martial arts is not just about fighting. Many people take up Tae Kwon Do for the fitness benefits such as improved cardio-vascular fitness, toning of the muscular system and increased strength through the calisthenics employed during training.
Tae Kwon Do training can improve the amount of muscle mass you have in your body. The more muscle you have, the more toned your body will look. High levels of muscle mass also lead to increased balance and agility.
Weight loss is another great benefit associated with traditional Korean martial arts. Participating in a one hour moderate intensity Tae Kwon Do class burns aproximatly 500 calories and is a great way to get or stay trim.
Martial Arts Classes For Self Defense
The reaction of most people when faced with an attacker is to freeze allowing the attacker time to get in close and take control. Martial arts trains you to react automatically in crises. Those precious first few seconds often make all the difference in an attack.
Learning to protect yourself in the event of an attack means more than just learning to punch and kick hard. It means possessing a self-confidence that comes from the inner knowledge that you don’t have anything to prove. This confidence alone can often make an attacker choose another target.
Training with weapons is an integral part of traditional Korean martial arts. We believe that one must know how to use a weapon before learning how to defend against it.
Martial Arts Classes For Wellness
Unlike many other forms of physical activity, Traditional Korean martial arts also have a mental element which not only improves the mind’s focus but also helps in self control.
Emotions such as anger and fear are better controlled through training and many students find an inner peace through study of Tae Kwon Do.
Tae Kwon Do builds confidence as well as developing patience, discipline and perseverance. The result is increased calmness, courtesy and peace.